Pediatric Dentistry

Home Pediatric dentistry

Early dental care for perfect teeth in adulthood.

Pediatric dentistry is about preventive and curative care. Your child should ideally have a dental check-up every 6 months. From the time the first baby teeth appear, you have to start caring for them. Your pediatrician will guide you on the care for the first teeth, but as more teeth appear your child will need regular dental check-ups to detect and treat dental problems as they develop and prevent problems such as cavities.

We are an extremely child friendly dental hospital. With a skilled dentist, pleasant staff experienced in handling children and a warm and cheerful ambience, we are the best dental hospital to care for children and adolescents.

Our preventive care will help maintain your child’s teeth in good condition through childhood and adolescence. As temporary teeth fall and are replaced by permanent teeth and additional permanent teeth grow, our care will ensure that your child has the best smile through every change.


  • The infected or inflamed pulp tissue is removed from the root canal
  • The canal is cleaned, disinfected
  • It is filled with a special material to prevent further infection

Space maintainer

  • It is filled with a special material to prevent further infection
  • It prevents other teeth from shifting in to the vacant space
  • • It can be removable of fixed

Pit and fissure sealants

  • Sealants are thin plastic or resin coating
  • They are applied on molars and premolars
  • They are non-invasive and painless
  • They prevent cavities and tooth decay
  • They last for years and can be re-applied if necessary
  • Cost-effective way to prevent tooth decay